Mar 26Liked by Idaho Four

Streak, reading the comments I think that video flabbergasted us all, that's where the silence lies.

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Mar 26·edited Mar 26Liked by Idaho Four

I do see the importance of it. Whether you do or do not send it to Defense, I already have! ( AND I sent it to the whole team not just one person and linked YOU credit. Believe me when I say they have more info from me than they know what to do with. And I go beyond emails.) I rarely comment on YouTube anymore. I'm not quite sure what to think here as far as who you are exactly pissed at because you just said Brain Trust. If you are referring to me specifically, please say my name. And if you are disappointed in me then I fully fucking give up. You are not the only one goes to sleep at night and wakes up with this case on your mind, Clue. I take it home too. I don't know whether to feel hurt or pissed off, I'm both right now.

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Mar 26Liked by Idaho Four

I’m extremely angry with the occupants of 1112. WHY AREN’T PEOPLE HELPING??

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Mar 26Liked by Idaho Four

The audio in that video made me gasp. My air pods in, eyes closed in concentration and leaning across my kitchen counter to my iPad I literally reacted with a gasp and a “Holy Shit!”. I could see the whole scene play out in my mind’s eye. You can tell the direction of travel of the truck, you can tell how far along the road it stops. There’s no other house right in that area that it would have stopped at, where there was a dog that had reason to be barking incessantly like that. At that exact time. It HAD to be that house. The truck must have left after 5 am. It would be interesting to get hold of all the videos up till the police arrived and listen that closely to all of them. There has to be a treasure trove of evidence on the 1112 videos. No wonder none of them have been released.

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I thought the video was right on target and a tremendous fact overlooked in the case until your analysis. The truck sound is clear as is Murphy barking upon the door opening. It sounded like an initial whimper which tells me he was signaling for help from whomever he saw. This points to exactly what I’ve always said, the roommates were not in that home, they fled. Now it’s unclear as to if one or both roommates returned at that point in the surveillance or if that vehicle door slam was when one or both left for the first time. There is no sound of the vehicle starting back up which is perplexing. Either way, the home’s front door remained open until noon we can assume. This tells me nobody was present. Doubtful anyone would risk a neighbor calling regarding the dog barking in that manner by remaining in the home with the bodies. Unsure how anyone could remain there with the risk factor, the stench, and Murphy barking incessantly. That would all be too much imo. All of this is not to say that someone else entirely may have arrived at the scene for nefarious reasons. Either way, this is evidence that needs to be made available to Taylor asap.

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Mar 26Liked by Idaho Four

Yesterday’s video was NOT a nothingburger. It was incredibly informative, and it was shocking that these details with the truck and Murphy were never picked up before. You were able to piece together the timing from the two videos incredibly well. You can clearly hear the truck and Murphy! It is not something we can claim is muffled or too quiet to accurately distinguish. The truck and its maneuvers are accurate (especially to those who have driven a truck). And whose else’s dog would be barking frantically like that?! Murphy! It is not just someone taking their dog to the washroom, nor is it someone walking their dog at an odd time. It was cold that night and people do not leave their dogs outside in that weather. That dog sounds really upset!

I am still in shock that the state did not further investigate these other suspected cars.

Yesterday’s video did shock me and I am still processing it. Today, I wanted to have another few listens to the video.

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Mar 26Liked by Idaho Four

Worth every penny Streak!! Thank you for another in depth video. Some peeps just don’t get it. And never will.

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Mar 26Liked by Idaho Four

Right after the video yesterday, I had some unexpected issues to deal with. Then it was late and I really needed a drink. I don't like to comment once I have a drink. I'd rather have a clear mind. I'm also going to cast the YouTube to my TV and watch it again. I watched on my phone yesterday. I could hear everything pretty well, but I want to put the sound together with the visual on a larger screen. I always felt that at least Bethany wasn't there. She may have been there when everything started, but I think that she got scared and left. I think she may have been the one that came back later that am and actually found the massacre. I'm just not sure about Dylan. I feel like she was probably there the whole time. Maybe even a helper with clean up after. I'm unsure if she left and came back later. I feel fairly certain that once that front door was open, whoever was in that truck, along with Dylan, did what they needed to do and got the hell out of there. I think they wanted to be gone before daylight so someone could see the open door and go inside to find the massacre. I really think they thought some neighbor or someone passing by would see the front door open and investigate. Then they could say that they, Bethany and Dylan, hadn't even been there when it happened. Unfortunately, I think one or both of them were very upset when they got back later right before noon, and no one had found anything yet. Bethany did have a vehicle, but I am still trying to figure out what she drove. They made fun of Dylan in that video where they all pretended to be each other, as Dylan always looking for a ride. That makes me think that she didn't have a personal vehicle. This happened right after the time change, so it probably didn't get light outside until after 6am, closer to 6:30 or maybe even 7am. I really think they were figuring some neighbors would find the scene, so they wouldn't have to be involved in explaining why it took so long to call 911. If you remember, Chief Fry even stated at the 1st press conference, when asked about the delay in calling 911, that he wished that 911 had been called earlier and didn't know why they weren't called until almost noon. They have to know about the truck and the door being open, even though Chief Fry said he didn't know about the door. If they didnt know the day it happened, they knew after they had the video from 1112 for sure. And where is the door dash vehicle in all of this? Is it only visible on the 1112 video or audio? I wonder what kind of vehicle they drive. I also noticed that the truck is a very dark color, black maybe. I'm going to go watch it on my TV. Sorry that you thought we didn't think this was important. It is probably the biggest piece of exculpatory evidence that we have seen and heard. I commend you, Streak, on the amount of time that you have put into putting this together. You should be on the defense team!

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Mar 26Liked by Idaho Four

Within minutes of waking up and my first sip of coffee, the only word that came out if my mouth was WOW! Give them some time Streak. If my dumbass sees it, they will too. This paints a clearer picture for sure. Kisses to Ella😊

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Clue, this video as well as others is powerful and clearly shows how busy with activity on this nite. “Frozen Shock Faze” my a** it clearly show DM is complicit which I always felt she was as well as others which includes BF. When you mentioned big truck backing up I remembered seeing a big black truck from the Banfield video and said OMG. In a household of 5 with one guest = 4 “red rum” clearly shows a team effort in staging/clean up. Great job in your video with breakdown of time for all 5 of these vehicles which should leave all of us 🤔 🤨 .

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Mar 26Liked by Idaho Four

Clue, excellent work and honest deduction of what we see and hear.I ,when it all sank into my brain I said”holy pufferfishes”and then became more involved in where the tentacles of all this leads. Stunned into frozen shock phase and all the implications.its just wtf man how do I proceed… and then I realized I have you on the case and I felt better because you breathe life and hope into my veins… truth and justice is my personal high now… keep feeding us we are hungry. Peace

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Mar 26Liked by Idaho Four

BTW Streak, you too are a Rockstar. This was epic! Like huge epic! 👏👏👏

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Progressive, innovative, and potentially case-shattering. The camera differential demo alone is worth the price of admission and puts so many rube-idols who've expounded on these recordings to shame.

That said, need to continue reviewing. The inferetial and deductive implications are a bit overwhelming.

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Mar 26Liked by Idaho Four

Hi Streak, I'm still getting my head around the video, its plain to hear the truck, the engine stop then the dog barking incessantly. Definitely someone went there just after the massacre. Bet nobody expected it to be found, I just wish AT and team would get in touch, but I'm guessing they aren't really taking the course that we are, like they are on a different path, ie the wrong car going the wrong way on Ridge Rd, they should be eliminating the defendants car not nit picking things. As you've said ineffective counsel. It's sad really. I appreciate all the hard work that you do and you have found alot of exculpatory evidence for them. Some days it's seems that we give more of a toss than his defense team. It was well worth it Thank you 👏👏👏👏.

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Listen here Knucklehead,😂we care about you, your work, time and effort. I'm sorry for not giving feedback right away. I've been coping with other issues.

I agree with Lin about the neighbors.1122 was in a very vulnerable spot imo. You could do so much surveillance from quite a distance in that area. You really did a wonderful job Streak. Murphy to the rescue...😢

It's AMAZING to me that the camera really DID catch those little details, that truly matter. Some might say, the devil is in the details. But guess what, so are the angels.

I could only imagine how they're TREMBLING right about now.

Everyone pay close attention to the motions being filed moving forward.

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Mar 26Liked by Idaho Four

I realize I have been quiet lately, and this is not the right spot to explain my recent silence. As with all aspects of life, everyone has their own set of difficulties and challenges. In addition, this is unrelated to the case. This is nothing personal to your time, expertise, or amazing energy. My mind was blown when I saw what you put together. Afterwards, I returned to take a second look. By consistently contributing monetarily, you demonstrate my respect for the effort you put into this platform and this case! Unfortunately, lately, finding the perfect moment and place to answer has not been easy for me. Sending you and everyone lots of love!

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